— 4 min read

There is a much newer article on this subject `here`_ and covers DomainKeys and DKIM.

Mail and mail servers have always been my forté if I’m to be honest, my home mail server has been spam free for years now, nothing really gets past due to my love of all things installable and configurable.

Several months ago I started a new job and after a few weeks I was tasked with getting DKIM signing to work on our mail platform, DKIM was semi-new to me, I’d never bothered with anything but SPF before so I figured I’d give it a shot.

At work our servers are Debian based but are the evil that is Ubuntu, strangely though I was able to find an Ubuntu specific article that wasn’t absolute rubbish, which surprised me no end. I was able to get dkim-milter working with Postfix and signing emails first time round. Google was failing to match against our DNS records but after some repeat changes I was able to get it working.

Debian was a completely different kettle of fish.

I’ll have to go through a bit of the background to my problem before the actual installation tutorial. I had everything installed and running but dkim-filter was refusing to start correctly, Postfix couldn’t connect to it and no emails could be signed. After a lot of banging my head against the desk I decided to try dkimproxy, I had the same issues with this too. Then I spotted opendkim which used the same config as dkim-filter but this time actually worked. I’m not sure what exactly is wrong with the dkim-filter package, I’ve noticed a few people writing posts about it but opendkim saved me so I’ll stick with it.

First off I’m going to assume you have Postfix installed and running, if you don’t there are plenty of articles on Google for how to get it running.

First step is to install opendkim.

sudo apt-get install opendkim

Leave the install process to complete, we’ll configure it later, first we’ll make the public and private keys required for signing.

openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024
openssl rsa -in private.key -out public.key -pubout -outform PEM
sudo /etc/mail/
sudo cp private.key /etc/mail/dkim.key

So that’s the key sorted, now we’ll configure opendkim.

First open /etc/opendkim.conf and put the following in, replacing the _DOMAIN_ with your domain name.

# Log to syslog
Syslog yes
# Required to use local socket with MTAs that access the socket as a non-
# privileged user (e.g. Postfix)
UMask 002

# Sign for example.com with key in /etc/mail/dkim.key using
# selector '2007' (e.g. 2007._domainkey.example.com)
Domain _DOMAIN_
KeyFile /etc/dkim/private.key
Selector mail

# Commonly-used options; the commented-out versions show the defaults.
#Canonicalization simple
#Mode sv
#SubDomains no
#ADSPDiscard no

Set a custom selector if you want.

Next we open up /etc/default/opendkim and change it to the following:

# Command-line options specified here will override the contents of
# /etc/opendkim.conf. See opendkim(8) for a complete list of options.

# Uncomment to specify an alternate socket

# Note that setting this will override any Socket value in opendkim.conf

#SOCKET="local:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock" # default
#SOCKET="inet:54321" # listen on all interfaces on port 54321
SOCKET="inet:12345@localhost" # listen on loopback on port 12345
#SOCKET="inet:12345@" # listen on on port 12345

That’s opendkim all configured, start the daemon with

sudo /etc/init.d/opendkim start

Next we need to modify Postfix to tell it to use opendkim to sign emails. Lets open up /etc/postfix/main.cf

Place the following as the end of that file

milter_default_action = accept
milter_protocol = 6
smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12345
non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12345

That’s Postfix configured, we’ll reload it once the DNS is configured.

How you configured your DNS is up to you, you will need to add the following 2 new records

_domainkey.DOMAIN.TLD. IN TXT "t=y; o=-;" SELECTOR._domainkey.DOMAIN.TLD. IN TXT "k=rsa; t=y; p=YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE"

Replace the instances of DOMAIN.TLD with your actual mail domain name in both records, SELECTOR was configured in to opendkim earlier, in my example I used mail.

Your key will be called public.key, we created both public and private keys earlier. You only need to add the actual key from between the BEGIN and END lines, e.g. my test one below

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


MIGfMWGwregWREGREwgERGREGerg [...snip...]

Now we simply reload the Postfix config with /etc/init.d/postfix reload

Now you can send test mails once you’re sure DNS changes have propagated. You will see any errors in /var/log/mail.log.


Anarchist. Pessimist. Bipolar. Hacker. Hyperpolyglot. Musician. Ex-(semi-)pro gamer. They/Them.

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