— 5 min read


Over the last week I’ve been doing a huge amount of refactoring of Blackhole as well as writing dozens of additional tests. To make Blackhole more testable I needed to make a big change to how the program is launched and controlled.

setup.py scripts vs. entry_points

Whenever I’ve written Python programs that require some kind of command line script I’ve always used distutils’ scripts, this can be seen in blackhole’s setup.py on GitHub or in the three line example below.


In doing so, it allowed me to be lazy and write a lot of prodecural code in the main “binary” which made it pretty much impossible to test. You can also see that on GitHub in the main “binary”.

I’ve noticed that most people who write Python packages that have some kind of command line entry point use distutils’ entry_points option instead of scripts. I decided to rewrite Blackhole to make it use the same entry_points option and also make it’s new entry point as testable as possible.

setup.py entry_point change

entry_points = {
    'console_scripts': [
        'blackhole = blackhole.application:run',

      # ...
      # ...

I’m not going to go in to any real detal on how entry_points works, there are plenty of articles elsewhere on the internet that detail this.

That being said, entry_points is a dictionary, in it I set a console_scripts key that has a list of scripts that should be usable from the command line.

Each list item is made up of two parts; the command name (what will be typed on the command line to trigger the command) and the module(s) and method to run.


With the entry_points changes outlined above, this allowed me to write an entirely new and testable application.

Now the method that launches Blackhole is much smaller and split in to testable parts.

For example the run method is below.

def run():
    The run method is what actually spawns and manages blackhole.
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminate)
    action = set_action()
    # Grab the sockets early for multiprocessing
    if action in ('start',):
        socks = sockets()
    d = daemon(action)
    # Change group and user
    io_loop = fork()
    # Iterate over the dictionary of socket connections
    # and add them to the IOLoop
    for _, sock in socks.iteritems():
        callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
        io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

For the full set of changes, take a look on GitHub at blackhole.application.

Fun with Mock

Mock is an amazing library that allows you to mock (fake) method calls and much more.

I’ve known about Mock for a while, it’s used quite heavily at work but I’ve never really felt like I needed to use it. Then I started writing more and more tests for Blackhole, started using Mock and instantly fell in love.

Mocking FQDN

As an example, with Blackhole 1.6.4 I added functionality to return an FQDN when HELO or EHLO commands are received. I didn’t write any tests for this because it uses a file on the filesystem or falls back to getting the FQDN from the socket library.

After playing with Mock, I decided I would actually write tests for this piece of functionality and thankfully Mock made it insanely simple.

class TestMailNameFile(unittest.TestCase):
    check_value = "file.blackhole.io"

    @patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
    def test_mail_name_file(self, exists_mock):
            with patch('__builtin__.open',
                mn = get_mailname()
                self.assertEqual(mn, self.check_value)
        except ImportError:
            with patch('builtins.open',
                mn = get_mailname()
                self.assertEqual(mn, self.check_value)

The above test mocks the filesystem calls, returning a known value. This allows the tests to be run no matter how the machine running the tests is configured.

The one slightly less standard part of this test is the fact it has a try: except: block inside it, this is because I need to mock Python’s builtin open method. Blackhole works on both Python 2.6/7 and on Python 3.X and with Python 3 the open method was moved from __builtin__.open to builtins.open. As such I have to attempt to run the Python 2.X version of the code and fallback to Python 3.X version if the import fails.

class TestMailNameSocket(unittest.TestCase):
    check_value = "socket.blackhole.io"

    @patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)
    @patch('socket.getfqdn', return_value=check_value)
    def test_mail_name_socket(self, exists_mock, socket_mock):
        mn = get_mailname()
        self.assertEqual(mn, self.check_value)

And the test above is for forcing the FQDN to be returned by Python’s socket library, again the return value is a known value so that it can be tested on any machine.

Mocking —delay and —debug options

Very little changes when the —delay and —debug arguments are passed in to Blackhole and sadly it’s quite hard to test both of those calls.

One thing that I would like to test is that a relevant warning message is printed out to the console when either of these arguments is passed. Because both options can be quite dangerous to use.

It’s kind of a pointless thing to test for but it’s also nice to know that the user is being warned correctly.

With Mock I am able to to mock sys.stdout and have it write the output to StringIO instead, so I can test the contents of StringIO and confirm they match what I expect them to be.

class TestSetOptionsDebug(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        options.delay = 0
        options.debug = True
        options.ssl = False

    @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO)
    def test_set_options_debug(self, stdout_mock):
        val = """WARNING: Using the debug flag!\nThis will generate a lots"""\
              """ of disk I/O and large log files\n\n"""
        self.assertEquals(stdout_mock.getvalue(), val)

class TestSetOptionsDelay(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        options.debug = False
        options.delay = 1
        options.ssl = False

    @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO)
    def test_set_options_delay(self, stdout_mock):
        val = """WARNING: Using the delay flag!\n"""\
              """The delay flag is a blocking action """\
              """and will cause connections to block.\n\n"""
        self.assertEquals(stdout_mock.getvalue(), val)

Mocking daemon actions

Another thing that is nice to test is that the daemon is working correctly. I decided it would be a good idea to mock start, stop and status commands as well as mocking unknown commands too, to be sure how Blackhole would respond to a user’s actions.

Thankfully Mock allows you to mock calls and confirm that they have indeed been called, for example the stop method calls sys.exit, so I can confirm that this call has actually been made.

class TestDaemonStop(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        sys.argv = ('blackhole', 'stop')

    def test_daemon_stop(self, exit_mock, daemon_mock):
            assert daemon_mock.called
            assert exit_mock.called

class TestDaemonStatus(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        sys.argv = ('blackhole', 'status')

    def test_daemon_status(self, exit_mock, daemon_mock):
            assert daemon_mock.called
            assert exit_mock.called

class TestDaemonStart(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        sys.argv = ('blackhole', 'start')

    def test_daemon_start(self, daemon_mock):
            d = daemon('start')
            assert daemon_mock.called
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, Deiman))

class TestDaemonInvalidAction(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_daemon_invalid_action(self, exit_mock):
            assert exit_mock.called


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