
  • bash-completion 1:2.0


There versions are available on or as a manual download, from the links below.


1dcb73ca965b3731df20823a6005392c  vagrant-bash-completion-0.0.6.deb
db494d0bf1b3dcdbcce5b0111ad377a0  go-bash-completion-0.0.1.deb


ed6890fdd08ac459a0f61112fcfb48f9e3ce953d  vagrant-bash-completion-0.0.6.deb
fd92cd53f2d6ff98077cb10d3578381025d002e7  go-bash-completion-0.0.1.deb


haproxy requires openssl-1.0.1d or higher.

On a standard Debian 7 install you should have openssl-1.0.1e-2, you can find which version you have by running

dpkg -l openssl

This should return something similar to

ii  openssl        1.0.1e-2        amd64        Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools

Build notes

Builds were done on Debian 7 AMD64, I will not be providing 32bit versions as this is mainly for my own usage and amusement.

This haproxy build is compiled against openssl, providing the npn module, allowing for haproxy to work under SSL/TLS and allowing the use of SPDY/2 and SPDY/3.

This version is available on or as a manual download, from the link below.


1d258aaf1592ac5d6cb34e495e283591  haproxy_1.5-dev22_amd64.deb


f17cb661d2ceb1686a0a4b8566168503a0d372d9  haproxy_1.5-dev22_amd64.deb

By default haproxy enables stateless SSL session resumption, but you can enable stateful session resumption in accordance with RFC 5077. This functionality, like the SSL handling it relies on is only available from haproxy 1.5.


The option to enable stateful SSL session resumption is as below


You will need to add it in to your bind line, like below

bind ssl ... no-tls-tickets

I have built and released nginx 1.5.10 with SPDY 3.1. Like the nginx 1.5.9 release , this release comes with ngx_pagespeed and is available on or as downloads below.


9fe2e5273cc195161268f7d85261c4e2  nginx_1.5.10_all.deb
edc55aa4866036eade02cd49957a9126  nginx-common_1.5.10_all.deb
0361cdb3d00ac6e65c5e9d6167ba0d36  nginx-doc_1.5.10_all.deb
833264c08fc6212f55ae37c26bd5cbc5  nginx-light_1.5.10_amd64.deb
c5c1ffa0dd93673ac4a859a11d1b3b50  nginx-full_1.5.10_amd64.deb
245d7628f143a6116ceb30c707264737  nginx-extras_1.5.10_amd64.deb
dc404a346db86006672b5a6f8b016402  nginx-naxsi_1.5.10_amd64.deb
ad3b7cf166752c2a8017bba8f6810496  nginx-naxsi-ui_1.5.10_all.deb
cdb47100b4fef09bb8a8e414cd48554e  nginx-light-dbg_1.5.10_amd64.deb
1ee2067aef2e1fcbc559dfdf9b8269ad  nginx-full-dbg_1.5.10_amd64.deb
9f528d80802dd6a78d85b8558e65f650  nginx-extras-dbg_1.5.10_amd64.deb
324dbf6afdff615d7c2bbe367f73bd1f  nginx-naxsi-dbg_1.5.10_amd64 …

I have built and released nginx 1.5.9 with ngx_pagespeed module and published them on


e3595519df9865941f0bd5c2c28bba18  nginx_1.5.9_all.deb
b2f3e4dcded2ce419175be8f4329b81e  nginx-common_1.5.9_all.deb
379ea6ad2805f3584609617deb5d1db9  nginx-doc_1.5.9_all.deb
140247350a651b24bde7278ce1f18148  nginx-light_1.5.9_amd64.deb
0a28a4965f00a5e739187aa81a16af3f  nginx-full_1.5.9_amd64.deb
e54ab6b670cfe7d56502ef08b6e2656f  nginx-extras_1.5.9_amd64.deb
9bb9b524c523a69f9f263eefbe5f5783  nginx-naxsi_1.5.9_amd64.deb
7b8e254515d3b6f90b8e55c720d314b8  nginx-naxsi-ui_1.5.9_all.deb
389b8b53360695d5fbbff183a3e94c4a  nginx-light-dbg_1.5.9_amd64.deb
b8b44d1519cb59761984bc06159aee85  nginx-full-dbg_1.5.9_amd64.deb
c8139d0abb8a04b22507342a80e6f5ea  nginx-naxsi-dbg_1.5.9_amd64.deb
76466c2c427e7263b3629b413ebd49a6  nginx-extras-dbg_1.5.9_amd64.deb


cc1e71b89c30de80083e55acb4b4cebc0f5f1fd7  nginx_1.5.9_all.deb
07d2bb7bdb038f5491b8707a56dafbf0a10a1b74  nginx-common_1.5.9_all.deb
ba0921fc31ae539fba175ab4392b3bc691593047  nginx-doc_1.5.9_all …

I am a firm believer in using SSL as much as possible, for me that is pretty much everywhere and, thanks to the wonderful guys at GlobalSign, most of my SSL certificates are free becauses my projects are all open source.

I used a blog post by Hynek Schlawack as a base for my SSL setup, he is keeping this article up-to-date as much as possible so it should be a great source for any security conscious people that would like to know more and get good explanations about each part.

Let’s take a brief look at how this website achieves it’s A* rating.


I use a 4096 bit RSA key that is no a Debian weak key.


I do not support SSLv2 or SSLv3 but I do support much stronger protocols;

  • TLS 1.2,
  • TLS 1.1 and,
  • TLS 1.0.


It’s a …