
This proposal describes a build system for generating “wheel” archives and is very, very informal. This plan was drawn up after a random discussion with Jannis Liedel on Twitter and IRC.

Wheel files can be platform and Python-version dependent, a way of generating these files automatically needs to be created and linked to the Packaging Index (PyPI.)


After discussions with Jannis, I believe the simplest solution would likely be the best solution for this problem. As such, I feel that using a custom-built, lightweight solution makes more sense than using something like buildbot.


I feel the platform should leverage existing Python packages that are tried, tested and well used in the community. Therefore I feel we should use a combination of the following;

  • RabbitMQ for queueing builds
  • Celery for building wheels and
  • pyenv for managing multiple Python versions

Operating systems

I lack any understanding of Windows or …

tugboat-bash-completion is a bash completion script the tugboat CLI interface for the Digital Ocean API.




Install manually

Download the source file from above and run the commands below.

sudo make install
. ~/bashrc

Or you can do it the lazy way

sudo wget https://github.com/kura/tugboat-bash-completion/blob/master/tugboat \
    -O /etc/bash_completion.d/tugboat
. ~/bashrc


It’s worth noting that any command that supports a FUZZY_MATCH will take a small amount of time to respond, due to querying the API for a list of either droplets or images.

Commands that do a droplet lookup;

  • destroy
  • halt
  • info
  • password-reset
  • rebuild
  • resize
  • restart
  • snapshot
  • ssh
  • start
  • wait

An image lookup;

  • destroy_image
  • info_image
  • rebuild


The source can be found on GitHub.


Issues can be tracked using GitHub Issues.


This software is licensed using the MIT License. The license is provided in …

Gastly, the Ghost Pokémon

(Image by Raiba-art)


I’d like to introduce Ghastly, a clean and minimal, lightweight theme for the Pelican blogging platform.

Ghastly is based heavily off of Casper, the default theme for Ghost.

It’s name is derived from the D&D monster, the Ghast and Gastly, the Pokémon.