While pypip.in is available under the MIT license on GitHub, it’s not explained how to really use it properly.

You can gather how to set-up the Python source of the project and get the Twisted process running, this is totally reliant on using the img.shields.io.

I decided to write this article explaining how to install your own copy of the shields nodejs code, pypipin itself and even cover off supervisord and Varnish too.

shields & nodejs


First of all you’ll need to get the latest source code copy of nodejs from the nodejs download page.

Extract it.

tar -xvzf node-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd node-<VERSION>

You’ll need to install the build tools, if you don’t have them already.

sudo apt-get install build-essential

And then make and install node.

make && sudo make install


Redis is used to temporarily store PyPI responses.

sudo …

Supported Python versions

This one is generated from the list of classifiers you provide to PyPI.

If no Python version classifiers exist, it defaults to Python 2.7. This is because really, Python 3 is not widely used in production or supported by libraries.

Python implementation(s)

I think this one is really cool. Chances are you’re unlikely to get more than two supported implementations, like CPython and PyPy or CPython and Stackless.

The shield uses the Python implementation classifiers to generate this shield. It supports all classifiers that PyPI supports (CPython, Jython, Iron Python, PyPy and Stackless) and defaults to CPython is none are set.

Styling changes

This change is simply because of the upgrade of the shields library. This allows us to use the default rounded badges like below.

But also allow you to use a much nicer, cleaner, flat styling like the ones used on this …

With haproxy 1.5 finally being released we are lucky enough to get a basic interface around OCSP stapling.

Sadly this interface really is quite basic and it’s not the simplest thing to figure out without some trial and error.

According to the official documentation, you should be able to pipe your OCSP response to haproxy via it’s stats socket. Sadly I could not get this to work properly at all, so I decided to swap the piping for a file and reload solution.

You’ll need to get a copy of your certification authorities root certificate to proceed with this.

Looking for your OCSP URI

If you don’t know the URI you need to do an OCSP lookup against, you can find it in your certificate data.

openssl x509 -in /path/to/your/certificate -text

Inside the output, look for the following section.

Authority Information Access …