Ian Murdock

Image by Stephen Shankland

Today news arrived that broke my heart, Ian Murdock has passed away. I never met Ian but he had an enormous impact on my life, through his work.

Debian has been my operating system of choice for many years now, it runs on all of my servers and my home computers. Ian’s vision for the operating system is why I started using it and use it to this day. It’s why I’ve continued to work on the operating system and create packages of all of my work for it.

Ian is, without a doubt, one of the biggest influences on my career and on my life.

Farewell sir, you will be missed.

SSHFP records are a defense against people blindly typing ‘yes’ when asked if they want to continue connecting to an SSH host who’s authenticity is unknown.

$ ssh some.host.tld
The authenticity of host 'some.host.tld (123.456.789.10)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is 69:76:51:39:a4:c6:de:15:7c:50:4b:4a:a7:98:40:5e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

This prompt is likely to be extremely familiar to you and, most people seem to just type ‘yes’ to move on with their lives, which defeats the whole purpose of this prompt.

If you use DNSSEC you can bypass this prompt entirely by publishing your server’s key fingerprints via DNS and having SSH authenticate them for you.

Generating your SSHFP record

You can get SSH to generate the DNS records for you, log in …

I currently use name.com as my registrar and I use Rage4 because Rage4 are awesome, they also support TLSA and SSHFP records and of course, DNSSEC.

I’m writing this up because I found getting DNSSEC from Rage4 to work with name.com as my registrar was a pain and the name.com support were not very helpful, linking me to a support article that I’d already read and did not help at all.


I’m going to assume you’ve already got your records in Rage4, if not, the interface is really easy so you’ll figure it out.

Within the management section for your domain’s zone, there is a menu bar of icons, the icon pictured below enabled DNSSEC.

Enabled DNSSEC

Clicking this will turn on DNSSEC. You will then have a new icon that will allow you to display your DNSSEC information.

Display DNSSEC info

Clicking this icon …

There is a variety of information out there about being a Tor exit node operator. Articles like this one make the thought of running a Tor exit as scary prospect, it’s understandable, some countries have laws that make running an exit scary too.

I run a variety of relays in various countries in this crazy World and thought I’d share my experiences.

Choosing a hosting partner

I personally choose to use a third party hosting provider for my relays, rather than using colocation. I just find this is easier and I don’t have to think about the hardware much at all.

Finding a provider can be a pain, there is a decent list on the Tor wiki. I use some of the providers on this list but I’ve also found it can be a really good idea to just contact a provider and talk to them …

Public Key Pinning is a security feature that tells a web browser to associate a public cryptographic key with a server or servers. When a web browser visits a website for the first time, it will read the HPKP header and store the hashes for the certificates that are provided. Each time the browser then revisits that website, the hash from the provided public key is compared against the stored keys, if the hashes do not match, the web browser should display a warning.

The HPKP header adds protection against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks but, if incorrectly configured can make your website display a TLS error for a long period of time.

Here’s a look at what this website publishes as it’s HKPK header.

Public-Key-Pins: pin-sha256="cYf9T3Il8DaCnaMaM0LatIAru1vqmcu2JSwS7uvyEB0=";
                 max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains

To explain it, the first pin-sha265 key is the hash of the public key that …

This is really a follow up article to one I wrote earlier this year but is really applicable to any similar set-up, with some modifications. The only configuration similarity this requires is that mail for all users is stored on the filesystem in the same place, rather than to separate locations i.e. each user having ~/.Maildir.


sudo apt-get install encfs

Once installed, you’ll need to make a directory for encrypted and decrypted mail to live.

sudo mkdir /var/mail/encrypted /var/mail/decrypted

You’ll need to set up permissions so your mail user can access the fuse device and the new directories.

For me, this user and group are called vmail but yours may be different.

sudo chgrp mail /var/mail/decrypted
sudo g+rw /var/mail/decrypted
sudo usermod -a -g fuse vmail
sudo chgrp fuse /dev/fuse
sudo chmod g+rw /dev/fuse

Next …

I think most of us have been in a position where we really shouldn’t continue communicating with someone or contact that person when drunk… You know what I mean, ex relationships etc (it happens.)

With Postfix you can block yourself from emailing that person again, which is quite useful.

In /etc/postfix/main.cf add make the start of your smtpd_recipient_restrictions look like below.

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access,

Create a new file /etc/postfix/recipient_access and add the email address you wish to block, the word REJECT in capitals and optionally; a reason. Example below.

test@example.com REJECT Don't be silly... You're probably drunk.

For every address you wish to block yourself from emailing, simply add them on a new line.

You can see the email is blocked from being sent in /var/log/mail.log.

NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 554 5 …

This mail platform does use a fair amount of memory, the memory usage is ClamAV and Solr, the latter being used for IMAP SEARCH. I personally use 2 GB.

I’ll warn you all now, this is a long article.


sudo openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/mail.key 4096
sudo openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/private/mail.key -out /tmp/mail.csr
sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /tmp/mail.csr -signkey /etc/ssl/private/mail.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/mail.crt


sudo apt-get install mysql-server

You’ll be prompted several times for a password for MySQL during the installation, just come up with something nice and secure.

The first thing to set-up will be the MySQL database and schema.

mysql -u root -p

Next up, create the database.

CREATE DATABASE mailserver CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

And grant some privileges, you’ll need …


With the DDoS attacks on the torproject.org website over the mid to end of December, I decided it would be prudent to join the relatively small list of mirrors.


+——- —-+—————————+ | Website | Dist / Downloads | +=========+==================+ | HTTP | HTTP DIST | +————-+—————————+ | HTTPS | HTTPS DIST | +————-+—————————+ | FTP | FTP DIST | +————-+—————————+ | RSYNC | RSYNC DIST | +————-+—————————+

Note: This mirror is now dead and links have been removed.