— 2 min read

Pound is a great little load balancer, it’s fast, opensource and supports SSL termination, which is great!


sudo apt-get install pound


The default configuration should be pretty good for most purposes, but feel free to tweak as you require.


We’ll first look at load balancing HTTP, in case you don’t want or need HTTPS load balancing.

We’ll need delete all the content within ListenHTTP block, once done it should look like this


Now we add an address and port to listen on and finally a line to remove an HTTP header

    Address # all interfaces
    Port 80
    HeadRemove "X-Forwarded-For"

This is a basic configuration, for each backend we want to load balance we’ll need to add a service within that listener.

You’ll notice we’re removing incoming headers called X-Forwarded-For, this is to make …

 — 4 min read

This is yet another follow up to post to several previous posts about using nginx as a reverse proxy with caching. It is actually a direct addition to my post from a week or so ago which outlined how to actually using nginx’s proxy caching feature which can be read here — /2010/02/07/nginx-proxy_cache-and-explained-benchmarked/.

Even more changes?

Yes, even more changes, these are basic changes that are there to improve the caching capabilities and also implement load balancing.

Cache changes

The first set of changes are in the main nginx configuration file


These changes basically just change the proxy_cache key

proxy_cache_path /var/www/nginx_cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=cache:8m max_size=1000m inactive=600m;
proxy_temp_path /tmp/nginx;
proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$request_uri";

I’ve decided to put the temporary caches file in to an nginx specific directory, just to separate them from other cache files …