— 7 min read

A brief history of a tiny part of the Internet.

Blackhole 1 — Blackhole as it was originally known — was written on Python 2.7, briefly supporting Python 2.6 for a time and also supporting early version of Python 3, PyPy 2 and PyPy 3. Built on top of Tornado, it was asynchronous in a fashion and — quite simply — worked.

The original prototype that became Blackhole was SimpleMTA — a prototype that was created quickly, to serve a very simple testing purpose that I had for it.

As I needed SimpleMTA to do more, I wrote Blackhole to accomplish that task. I’d been using Tornado a bit and wanted to experiment with it more. Building on top of Tornado created some oddities in how the program was designed and that always irked me.

Between the time of the last 1.8.X and the 2.0 release, I experimented with …

 — < 1 min read

I have been a frequent audience member of DJUGL for a few years now and spend most of the time asking questions, playing devils advocate and generally being my annoying self.

I have repeatedly said I would do a talk but never got round to it until Jon basically forced me to get round to it.

My talk was on blackhole/blackhole.io and covered several topics including PyPy, SimpleMTA and moved on to talking about spamming and starting work on my honey pot suite called Nectar.

You can find the slides on Speaker Deck, sadly I ran out of time when creating them and although I was promised time to finish them at work, I got busy. So I replaced content with “Taylor Replacements(tm)”.

The event, attendees and other speakers are listen on the Lanyrd event page.

Several people took photos of the event, I don’t remember …