— 10 min read

Eevee, the Pokémon

I was a little bored tonight and had a thought; “can I find a way to add a random Pokédex and it’s National Pokédex number as a header to requests on my website?”

The answer is - quite simply - “yes”.

Cloudflare Workers

This website runs on Cloudflare’s content delivery network and as such I have access to Cloudflare Workers, allowing me to run arbitrary code at the edge for incoming requests.

Setting up a worker that picks a random Pokemon and injects it as a header is very simple, add a worker, write the code and add some routing to it.

Try it yourself

curl -sI https://kura.gg/ | grep "x-pokemon"
x-pokemon: Eevee (#133)

The code

let pokemon = [
    "Bulbasaur (#1)", "Ivysaur (#2)", "Venusaur (#3)", "Charmander (#4)", "Charmeleon (#5)",
    "Charizard (#6)", "Squirtle (#7)", "Wartortle (#8)", "Blastoise (#9)", "Caterpie (#10)",
    "Metapod (#11)", "Butterfree (#12)", "Weedle (#13)", "Kakuna (#14)", "Beedrill (#15)",
    "Pidgey …