— < 1 min read

Yarg is a PyPI client, it was written for pypip.in and can search packages as well as read the RSS feeds from PyPI for new packages and new package version releases.

Search interface

>>> import yarg
>>> package = yarg.get("yarg")
>>> package.name
>>> package.author
Author(name=u'Kura', email=u'kura@kura.gg')

Newest packages interface

>>> import yarg
>>> packages = yarg.newest_packages()
>>> packages
[<Package yarg>, <Package gray>, <Package ragy>]
>>> packages[0].name
>>> packages.url

Updated packages interface

>>> import yarg
>>> packages = yarg.latest_updated_packages()
>>> packages
[<Package yarg>, <Package gray>, <Package ragy>]
>>> packages[0].name
>>> packages[0].version
>>> packages[0].url


Full documentation is at <https://yarg.readthedocs.org>.

 — < 1 min read

Supported Python versions

This one is generated from the list of classifiers you provide to PyPI.

If no Python version classifiers exist, it defaults to Python 2.7. This is because really, Python 3 is not widely used in production or supported by libraries.

Python implementation(s)

I think this one is really cool. Chances are you’re unlikely to get more than two supported implementations, like CPython and PyPy or CPython and Stackless.

The shield uses the Python implementation classifiers to generate this shield. It supports all classifiers that PyPI supports (CPython, Jython, Iron Python, PyPy and Stackless) and defaults to CPython is none are set.

Styling changes

This change is simply because of the upgrade of the shields library. This allows us to use the default rounded badges like below.

But also allow you to use a much nicer, cleaner, flat styling like the ones used on this …

 — 1 min read


pypip.in is a website I have written about before. I decided I would look at the shields and see which ones were the most requested so far this year.

Due to the volumn of requests, I only keep 90 days of logs from nginx and no logs from Varnish, pypipin or the local version of buckler. nginx sits in front of Varnish so, even if Varnish responds with a cached version of the shield, a log line is still written to say it was requested.

Top 20

  1. requests [downloads]
  2. Pillow [version]
  3. Pillow [downloads]
  4. Theano [version]
  5. Theano [downloads]
  6. fake-factory [downloads]
  7. livestreamer [downloads]
  8. django-cms [downloads]
  9. django-cms [version]
  10. speedtest-cli [version]
  11. speedtest-cli [downloads]
  12. boto [downloads]
  13. thumbor [downloads]
  14. thumbor [version]
  15. pip [version]
  16. tweepy [version]
  17. tweepy [downloads]
  18. django-allauth [downloads]
  19. pymssql [downloads]
  20. pymssql [version]

The first thing that struck me is that I actually hadn’t heard of or used quite a lot of …

 — 2 min read

Some time back in April 2013 I was bored and looking for a new project to keep my attention, if only for a short period of time.

My colleague @codeinthehole had an idea but no time to implement it, this idea was to have shields like those of travis-ci (shown below) but displaying package download counts.

Status of blackhole on Travis CI

Tech stack

From the very start I decided to use Tornado framework, although this may change in the future.

The original plan was to generate the images using Pillow (PIL) and then simply cache them to disk. I decided it would make far more sense to do this using Varnish and not have to worry about it working as expected.

Manually generating the images

The images were originally generated from a base template using Pillow, but sadly Python’s image manipulation is not very good, especially it’s text manipulation and the shields could …